What problems might z86VM solve? Some of our favorites are: hosting management consoles so z stands alone; web, file and email server; Post a comment and let us know what you’d like to see in your own environment.
What problems might z86VM solve? Some of our favorites are: hosting management consoles so z stands alone; web, file and email server; Post a comment and let us know what you’d like to see in your own environment.
Welcome to the new Mantissa.com!
We’ve been busy coding , as well as writing. We’re introducing more detail on our latest offering, z86VM, as well as updating the documentation on our current AOM and OPS offerings.
We’d love you to join the z86VM beta program, as well as try our latest Output Management and System Operation solutions.
We’d also like your feedback on our changes, in addition to feedback on your experiences with these products.
Mantissa continues to move forward to better serve its customers. A move into a new facility to house our new IBM zEnterprise 114 for a more dynamic development environment has been completed.
Now, we are beginning to develop a new website experience for customers and prospective customers. The new website will make it much easier for you to find information that is important to you. This website development should be complete by November 15, 2013, so please be patient as we work on the website. This endeavor is for your benefit.