RMS extends the effectiveness and productivity of your data center with benefits such as:
Easy Distribution Definition
The RMS distribution definition facility operates online with menu-driven ease. Includes a report mapping facility, low data entry requirements, copy count control, Zero Copy for zero copy capability, data insertion and control, and override capability.
Report Bundling
RMS creates unique report packets with customized banner pages for each user. The system supports flexible distribution of reports from multiple systems, with no limit on the number of reports and pages per packet. Each packet is a unique dataset which also includes a manifest list of the reports included.
Output Tracking
Complete online information is available, tracking all distribution by item, recipient, date, time and output media. RMS features single-command regeneration of reports which are resident on the online viewing file or archive file, plus automatic recovery of reports via DASD. In addition, detailed information is available for reports in permanent archive, including VOLSER and unique date/time stamp information.
Powerful Archive and Recovery
Archive and recovery features include data compression for efficient storage of reports, advanced security facilities and a multiple CPU warehouse which permits concurrent distribution, viewing, archive and recovery of single reports and packets.
Output Media Control
RMS supports up to eight media categories in a single execution, including automatic routing to RJO printers/terminals and the ability to prioritize selected packets. No JCL is required, as the system’s dynamic dataset allocation facilities create necessary print datasets. Individual packets may be routed to DASD/TAPE files at will, and each recipient may have multimedia types produced in the distribution process.
Advanced Viewing Flexibility
As many as four windows may be active at one time on the display, split horizontally or vertically for easy comparisons, with support for 80 or 132 character viewing. Features include immediate online viewing, left/right and up/down scrolling, reformatting via column selection, index of viewable reports and a list of versions of each report. Viewing is secured by user and location, permitting users to view only those columns allowed.
Detailed Report Tracking
Extensive tracking features include creation of a detailed audit trail for all processed datasets, a global manifest giving detailed information on all reports, auto dataset deletion, reduced dataset contention and imbedded PSF support.
Administrative Services
The ADMIN facility provides easy-to-use features for listing ADMIN and DD record transaction, access groups and applications, physical and logical distribution points, users, retention characteristics of reports and tracking information.
Powerful Print/Reprint Capabilities
RMS tracks all reports and references the appropriate archive to reprint any report. For reports resident in the online viewing database, printing is accomplished without reference to the archive volume. Online reports may be reprinted selectively by page range or can easily be reformatted.
Comprehensive Resource Security
RMS lets you fully control access to reports, transaction and systems facilities, and also interfaces with your current security system. Field-level security capabilities permit the system administrator to restrict user access to particular panel fields.
Integrated Help Facilities
Fully integrated help facilities put vital system information at your fingertips. Additional help facilities may be added and customized for your environment.
World-Wide Web Access to Reports
With RMS/WebAccess you can access mainframe reports over the internet securely from anywhere in the world.
Cache Array Support Option (CAS)
Provides flexibility to respond to changing output management workload requirements while reducing the management load. Designed to address capacity issues, CAS enhances the management capabilities of the system by letting you respond rather than react to potential failures related to spikes in system volume. CAS allows a single array to be configured to manage up to 1.4 billion report objects occupying up to 300 TB.